Sunday, February 13, 2011

Photomontage Project One in Photoshop

After the completion of the weaving portion of making my collage I decided to scan it in and see what I could do with it in photoshop. What I came up with was simple but I didn't feel like it was in a position for much adjustment or editing. I figured too much manipulation could just take away from what already existed but thinking back I could have done a bit more experimenting.

I have a higher appreciation for the physical product due to the texture and dynamics that are lost in the process of scanning. The scanned images are very flat and less interesting.

Photomontage Project One

The goal of this project was simply to experiment with collage, within the restrictions of one photography. Gary, my photo instructor, gave the impression that he wanted us more so to utilize the tools on photoshop to fulfill the abstraction or manipulation of our photo. I on the other hand see his purpose in familiarizing us with the technology, but instead chose to go with an analogue form of manipulation. In making this decision, I was wanting to experiment with weaving images together giving me the result of the following images of process to completion.

Raw Image