Design, beyond what we see, also plays a role in the economy. The economy effects graphic design, it can effect the way we design, based on a businesses needs and/or a client's needs. I do agree with the difficulties of graphic design and the way we are always adapting to the new comings of the world. We always have to have fresh ideas to make our work appealing and original. This can be hard to keep consistent do to habit or relativism to history. I also agree that taking risks or stepping "out side the boundaries is important. I think it helps us develop more creative ideas and helps us gain knowledge of our processes. I disagree however with the statement however that as graphic designers we may thing we can endeavor other things like fashion design etc. but find it best we cannot take on that different kind of work. I believe that experimenting with other kinds of media and forms of art can help us grow as designers and helps us have more understanding for other things we can possibly use to our advantage. Maybe we don't choose to be experts in that other kind of media but I think it is possible as creative thinker that is we have a desire for something new, it is always possible to acquire new skills. I did not say it would be easy but it is possible.
I agree - with design training you should be able to visually problem solve anything. But you're right, it takes added time to gain the skills necessary to work in a new profession altogether.